Dec 5, 2011

What to do when you're bored-Christina

What do you do online when you're bored? Usually I go to youtube or Facebook. Sometimes, when no one's looking, I might take a peek at Recently, though, I've been browsing around Kickstarter.

Kickstarter is an amazing way for smaller businesses and people in general to gather funding for any sort of project. You put up your campaign (very simple) and people can pledge a certain amount of money. People often give out prizes for certain donations (ex. a pony if you donate $10 or more, a jackal if you donate $20 or more, etc.) The best part is that you only actually pay if the project reaches its full funding. That means that you won't donate $10 just to find out that the guy never reached the minimum and used the money for a burger. There is a certain amount of accessibility and accountability that makes Kickstarter amazing for people who want to support great ideas.

I'm thinking about posting Kickstarter projects I find interesting every now and then. Hope you enjoy and hope you support.

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