Other awesome places on the interweb

The Hairpin
Great blog from a myriad of female writers. The posts are insightful, hilarious, and worth reading. It's updated often, so it's a natural go-to site when you're bored in class.

Not Your China Girl
Awesome blog from a NYC event organizer about Asian-Americans in American culture

One of the coolest sites for writers out there.

Pictures for Sad Children
The best comic on the internet.

The Oatmeal
Awesome webcomic with grammar help and working bobcats.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Daily comics.

Penny Red
Liberal, feminist, and british reporter

Overheard in New York
Like FML but hilarious and in New York

Molly Crabapple
beautiful illustrations from a beautiful artist

You're a disgrace to your race (asian). Great insight to the role and perception of asians in american media

just amazing. will show you the bizarre and beautiful of the world and internet