What do you do to relax?
I usually don't need to take very severe anti-stress measures--I'm a teenager, after all, so I'm used to dealing with a constant buzz of low-level anxiety--but occasionally I need to do something to wind down or I will drive myself insane.
This usually manifests in the form of drawing buildings. My own artistic style tends towards the very sketchy and loose, so attempting to recreate something that relies on strict lines and form is the sort of challenge that demands I devote all conscious thought to it.
I had a midterm (our second one!) in Texts and Ideas today and although it wasn't that hard I had managed to spend most of the day panicking. As soon as I came back to the dorm, I took an uncomfortable seat on the radiator, stared out the window at the cathedral, and attempted to draw some portion of it before night made everything indistinct.
It's not particularly good, but I'd say it was satisfying. Like most of my drawings of buildings, some of it is wildly disproportionate and some of it I just made up to fill empty space.
I have a history paper to write now. Hopefully this current feeling of inner peace will last me at least through the first paragraph.
One word of advice: don't be like me. Don't draw in pen.
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