Until then, procrastination.

I found this at Marie's personal Tumblr (the URL of which I'm not allowed to share)
From the Beetroot art group
From the Beetroot art group
"Ideas that seem impossibe to realise with traditional media, including design software, often trigger concepts for self initiated projects. Using technology not just for the sake of it but as an aid device in order to design with it, we built some custom tools. Those tools allowed us to experiment with the type of Shakespeare’s «Romeo & Juliet». Along this text the word Juliet appears 180 times and the word Romeo another 308 times. We finally brought them together with 55,440 red lines."
It's easy to hate Romeo and Juliet. Disturbingly easy actually. They're young. They don't have time to break apart Revolutionary Road-style ahhhhh I'm so disillusioned never loving anybody silent lone wolf. I'll admit I've said this or thought this before.
But I am optimistic now, and though I probably won't actively search I'll try to keep the option of a relationship open. I don't know about the use of technology though. On one hand there's the whole "self initiated projects" and using technology "as an aid advice" as Beetroot art group does. Technology is the medium of discovery (obviously, considering the above posters), but can that translate over to romance?
I think that technology oversimplifies everything and people. Yes, Facebook gives us all these parameters for self-definition (religion, gender, political views, idols, books), but there's still something lacking. But I admit that these thoughts come from an article about The Social Network I recently read (I'll post the link if I can find it again).
These are all quotes. My own interpretation? No, I don't think we can find someone online. Online/texting/phone things have gotten to the point where even a phone call is too intimate. When was the lasttime you called your friends instead of texting them? And why not call? I'll be honest it's way awkarder by phone because you have awkward pauses and you have to make small talk sometimes, but that's reality. At least, that's my reality. I have no place telling you what's yours. Then again, I've never been in love, so maybe the bond that can cross time (age gaps) and place (long-distance) can go through the A/D D/A transformations of a computer/phone. Hopefully I'll be able to test this out.
I also take comfort in the fact that I can always write a great breakup album if my heart gets broken.
Currently listening to St. Vincent (just discovered her a la Marie from (I need to stop writing that), who is opening my eyes to real music. I am a n00b). Loving "Cheerleader" and "Champagne Year" from Strange Mercy.
I make a living telling people what they want to hear
but I tell you, it's gonna be a champagne year
Good luck everyone,
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